Glossary of terms

Museum andragogy studies the opportunities of adult education and adult training by museums, museum institutions, civil communities, organizations tasked with the protection and safeguarding of cultural heritage, and aims to explore the patterns which make achievements in learning, training, self-education, personal development ‘in all areas of life’ more effective for adult individuals and communities withinContinue reading

Museum institutions are the most important parties in implementing the goals of the protection of cultural assets, as defined in the legislation. A museum institution stands in the service of society, is open to the public, maintains an active relationship with the communities and municipalities, is not established for economic profit-making as its basic activity,Continue reading

Museum pedagogy conveys the knowledge and information accumulated in the museum to the visitors with the purpose of teaching, educating and informing them, using methods suitable for particular age and target groups. The goal of museum pedagogical activities is to make museum collections and exhibitions interpretable and useful for the visitors, especially for children andContinue reading

The concept of a neighbourhood unit is used in urban planning and in other areas, and has also become a basic term in community development, as neighbourhoods are the physical space for local community activities as well as a psychological space in terms of relations. Neighbourhoods are therefore viewed in space but also often asContinue reading

Participation is an act or process whereby people left out from the information flow or the operation of society may directly join social, communal, political and cultural life, may be involved in community activities for the common good, and may interfere with decisions affecting them, and may thus improve the mechanisms of the institutions (communityContinue reading

registered reader (a user with a valid registration): a library user whose personal data have been entered into the library’s registry and who can thus use some or all of the library’s services. [1] library user: a person or organization making use of the library’s services. [2] visitors at events organized by community cultural institutions:Continue reading

Library, archive, museum institution, photo and sound archives in the possession (maintenance) of, or founded by, the state, a local municipality or the local government of a national minority. Act CXL of 1997 on the protection of cultural goods, museum institutions, library services and community culture – version in force   This article based onContinue reading

An important indicator of the results of community development. The parallel processes of public participation and community development mutually reinforce and generate one another. The current level of public participation is a good indicator of the success of community development processes, e.g. of the processes of planning and decision-making based on community participation. Based onContinue reading

Self-organizing movements, actions and campaigns in the interest of community building, community development, which serve to help in establishing and keeping up local collaboration, enforcing local interests and reducing the number of unsatisfied needs.   This article based on the following document: Community development methodological guide

It is a combination of welfare (material conditions, standard of living) and the subjective experience of well-being, which results in individual or social satisfaction. Quality of life can be examined from an individual and from a social point of view. The standards of a sensible and happy life depend on social factors (e.g. the standardsContinue reading