The term is used in several senses today. On the one hand, it refers to organizing and developing an area, in our case, cultural, human and community-based social and economic organization, conducted in cultural, church, civic, entrepreneurial and non-profit organizations, governmental or municipal institutions, integrated, multi-functional organizations and institutions. Community organizers perform direct planning, organizing,Continue reading
In the case of community planning, the stakeholders will come into contact with one another at the very beginning of the planning process, while exploring the sit uation and the problem, and find out about everyone’s interests, intentions and ideas. The plan is created by consensus as a result of shared thinking (involving of courseContinue reading
The community cultural space is the municipality’s or district’s community cultural contribution: an institution without legal personality or a facility, space or building with some other legal status, maintained, operated and adapted to provide community cultural public services, operating in a regular manner at the given locality. Forms of a community cultural space: a communityContinue reading
The community survey is a door-to-door method of activating, with the involvement of the locals. The elements of the method: the questionnaire drafted by the local community based on the issues explored during the interviews and community discussions are delivered to the households, the questionnaires are then collected, processed, and the results are published. EachContinue reading
A community-based service is one that aims to mitigate a community shortage, and the community has an influence on it, may identify with it emotionally and can regard it their own. During a community developing process new service requirements typically arise, while existing ones gain a new profile as a result of the explored needsContinue reading
An institution works on a community base when: it responds to local needs and offers its services with respect to them, shaping these services in an organic manner, in collaboration with the social environment; it builds on local resources, i.e. conducts its activities and ensures its own operating conditions using human and other resources availableContinue reading
A budgetary institution or one funded from other sources, under the appropriate professional, personal and infrastructural conditions and statues, founded and operated in the interest of the community cultural activities of the citizens. Act CXL of 1997 on the protection of cultural goods, museum institutions, library services and community culture – version in force
Outstanding and characteristic objects, images, sound recordings and written memories and other proof – except for immovable properties – of the origin and evolution of the living and non-living environment, mankind, the Hungarian nation and the history of Hungary, as well as pieces of art. Act CXL of 1997 on the protection of cultural goods,Continue reading
Cultural heritage is a collection of valuable resources inherited from the past which people identify, independently of ownership, as a reflection and expression of their constantly evolving values, beliefs, knowledge and traditions. It includes all aspects of the environment resulting from the interaction between people and places through time. Act CX of 2012 on theContinue reading
Poverty in each case appears as some kind of deficiency, deprivation. In the classic sense it expresses deprivation of material goods. Poverty, while a grave disadvantage by itself, implies further shortcomings and results in further deprivation. This may result in fewer opportunities and the reduction of social capital in its wake, together with exclusion fromContinue reading