Criteria of socialisation from the aspect of institutions

Community cultural council as a form of participation Act CXL of 1997 enables the representation of local residents in community culture via the system of community cultural councils. The act was amended in 2017 and the tasks of community cultural councils are now carried out by community cultural roundtables. This option – available since 1998Continue reading

On the institutional side there are 4 criteria of relevance to socialisation. An institution where each of these has been met, can be regarded as one whose socialisation has been optimised. Where they have only partially been met, the institution has achieved a minimum or partial level of socialisation.   Continuous conversation   First andContinue reading

It should be noted that socialisation may involve sharing, distribution and/or spreading of responsibility or responsibilities, but not the transfer of the ultimate and complete responsibility. This is because a maintainer is always involved; regardless of whether it is a local government, the state or a civil society organisation. Both the institution’s maintainer and itsContinue reading

On the institutional side there are 4 criteria of relevance to socialisation. An institution where each of these has been met, can be regarded as one whose socialisation has been optimised. Where they have only partially been met, the institution has achieved a minimum or partial level of socialisation. Openness The spreading of open attitudes,Continue reading

On the institutional side there are 4 criteria of relevance to socialisation. An institution where each of these has been met, can be regarded as one whose socialisation has been optimised. Where they have only partially been met, the institution has achieved a minimum or partial level of socialisation. Sharing of tasks An institution operatingContinue reading

On the institutional side there are 4 criteria of relevance to socialisation. An institution where each of these has been met, can be regarded as one whose socialisation has been optimised. Where they have only partially been met, the institution has achieved a minimum or partial level of socialisation. Staking out the framework for cooperationContinue reading