Institutional volunteering

During the interview you can ask why the candidate wants to volunteer. If you ask for a motivation letter, it also serves the same purpose: to understand the motivation of the candidate to volunteer with our organisation. However, it is important to note that no matter how motivated the candidate is, each volunteer should beContinue reading

If it has been decided that volunteers will be taken on, it is worthwhile to create a Volunteer Programme Strategy in the spirit of conscious preparation, whereby you can concentrate our energies on the right place and task in the midst of plenty of work. When formulating a volunteer strategy on an institutional level, weContinue reading

The definition of the Volunteering Hungary – Centre of Social Innovation for volunteering is as follows: “Volunteering is an activity carried out individually or in groups, on a regular or occasional basis, domestically or abroad, for personal benefit, without financial consideration. Volunteering has no direct financial gain for the person who carries it out, norContinue reading

According to ZRINSZKY  [1] , in order to understand, assist and guide adult learning, two variables need to be understood regarding learning performance: Existing competence (quantity and quality of knowledge and creativity) and learning ability (renewal ability), which depends on motivation, utilisation of knowledge, existing knowledge (education), social conditions. Features of an adult learner: Deliberate andContinue reading

When coordinating volunteers, we need to be aware that volunteers are changing. Their personality changes, they are constantly enriched with new and yet newer experiences; their life situation, life goals are changing; their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the host organisation may change; the amount of help the organisation receives may change; the degree of theContinue reading

One of the most difficult tasks of volunteer management in cultural institutions is to organise volunteering. After recruiting, selecting, and providing initial training for volunteers, the institution might think that continuous and long-term cooperation with volunteers who are highly committed and motivated to the work of the organisation will be easier. However, the best thingContinue reading

During volunteer activities, we strive to define tasks clearly and in an understandable manner, as we believe it contributes to effective performance. At the same time, in order to maintain the motivation of the volunteer and to keep the enthusiasm, it is essential to give feedback on the work performed – perfect or not. Diplomatic,Continue reading

Very few organisations in the public sector have a culture of monitoring employee integration, professional and personal competence. However, this is also an investment in human capital. That is why it is important that the volunteer take part in introductory training.   Introductory training serves several purposes:   provide a comprehensive view of the organisation’sContinue reading

All activities of our lives are intertwined with the interconnectedness of processes. Accordingly, work in cultural institutions is a series of processes and activities that create services. Meanwhile, we use different tools and work together to create an organisation. The characteristic of good organisation is the effective establishment and maintenance of processes and organisations. TheContinue reading

The biggest problem for volunteer coordinators is when there is tension between two parties, volunteers, the volunteer and one of the employees, the volunteer and a customer, or between employees in relation to a volunteer. As the coordinator is a representative of both the institution and the volunteers, these situations create a kind of ‘press’,Continue reading