HR processes – the volunteer’s career

The volunteer programme has at least two actors: a volunteer and at least one staff member representing the organisation. But who else can you count on, and what quality, what name can the stakeholders get and what kind of activity do they provide? In the case of institutions, the success of volunteer programmes necessarily involvesContinue reading

The volunteer’s integration into the organisation, the time spent in the organisation, and the activities that it takes to leave the organisation, can be briefly called volunteering. We will walk you through each of the stages in this life course in the following sections. The process is examined primarily from the perspective of the volunteerContinue reading

Recruitment of volunteers seems to be a major challenge for many organisations, but with systematic planning you have a good chance of finding the right helpers. The settlement involved can influence recruitment efficiency, but well-structured recruitment activities can produce results everywhere. There are a few things to think about before you start recruiting. Here areContinue reading

It is essential to evaluate the applications received during the recruitment process in accordance with your initial expectations and to invite those candidates who are undoubtedly appropriate to us for a personal interview. Even so, you may be disappointed. It is definitely worth making a second round selection and inviting the people whom you areContinue reading

During the interview you can ask why the candidate wants to volunteer. If you ask for a motivation letter, it also serves the same purpose: to understand the motivation of the candidate to volunteer with our organisation. However, it is important to note that no matter how motivated the candidate is, each volunteer should beContinue reading

Very few organisations in the public sector have a culture of monitoring employee integration, professional and personal competence. However, this is also an investment in human capital. That is why it is important that the volunteer take part in introductory training.   Introductory training serves several purposes:   provide a comprehensive view of the organisation’sContinue reading