In a general sense, local government is an independent public administrative body with its own authority to act, under a particular unit of the state. a municipality thus entrusted; the right of a certain body or community to take charge of their matters independently. [1] The legal definition: Local government is the right of theContinue reading
The image (self-definition) of the members of the local community of themselves as a community, a result of a constant dialogue among the members, of joint activities and of the discovery of shared values. During a process of social and intellectual construction, which connects past and present, the community creates its own system of culturalContinue reading
The purpose of community development might be to establish local institutions in the municipality, especially when these are missing or working inadequately in the given social sphere. In this sense institutions are regularly repeated community activities, which become customs and traditions, and which provide lasting patterns and reliable frames of organization, available for users inContinue reading
The concepts of homeland studies and local history are often used together with that of local knowledge. These three and the more rarely mentioned landscape research and regional science may be related, yet their contents are not the same. local knowledge The totality of information on a specific place and the documents that hold them.Continue reading
Public communication of a municipality (or part thereof) about matters that may affect the local community in any way. Local publicity relies on information – information made publicly available, received, processed, discussed–, and on the communication of opinions and positions thus shaped. A prerequisite to the functioning of local publicity is that each local hasContinue reading
A complex system that may differ in each municipality or district, which needs to be approached in a holistic manner during developing activities. The concept embodies several components: built and natural environment, geographical conditions, composition of the population, demographic features, socio-economic and mental situation, physical conditions, relationship networks among the population, structure and functions ofContinue reading
Measuring the achievements and effects of community development processes is possible if the measurable and evaluable numerical indicators and qualitative or soft indicators as well as the methods of their measuring and evaluation are laid down in the planning phase of the process and are then examined at the right points of the process. QuantitativeContinue reading
A mentor is a person with a lot of experience and high professional recognition who offers help and direction with the recipient’s growth in mind, within the frames of a strong relationship based on trust. [1] Mentoring may be given in informal, i.e. natural, and in formal, organized ways. Informal mentoring may occur between aContinue reading
Social mobility denotes a change in the individual’s or family’s social situation. Péter Róbert writes: mobility, on the one hand, appears largely as a self-value, a result of a normative approach, according to which the openness of a society is closely connected to its democratic character. …On the other hand, the value and meaning ofContinue reading
The target area of the community development processes serving as the object of the call for tenders ‘Strengthening local identity and cohesion’, code numbers TOP-5.3.1-16 and TOP-6.9.2-16, is an entire municipality or part thereof (district), or several municipalities (a region). For the purposes of this call for tenders, a district is an area within orContinue reading