Is a public institution really for the local people? Can anybody enter it? Will the person be able to get into it even if he or she is poor or lives with disabilities, or in the periphery of the settlement? Will that person receive equal treatment to the others, without any discrimination? Is there anContinue reading
Ragnar Audunson elaborated the dichotomy of low versus high intensity meeting points. This dichotomy grasps the difference between those places where we experience and gratify our core interests and commitments – and meet those who share these – (high intensity) and those where we can meet and be confronted with people with different interests andContinue reading
Based on the statistical data of TÁRKI Social Research Institute, 17 percent of the total population and 26 percent of the children (between ages 0-17) lived under income poverty in 2012 in Hungary. Prior to the change of the political regime, until as late as 1981, poverty was not an issue to talk aboutContinue reading
The principle of equal opportunities means the prohibition of discrimination. In the society, legal regulations on the prohibition of discrimination and the institutions responsible for the enforcement of these legal regulations guarantee equal treatment. Legal framework The policy on equal opportunities comprises all those legal and non-legal tools that aim to assure, in the differentContinue reading
In addition to disadvantaged situations lived through personally (physical disabilities, mental disabilities, excluded status), the everyday life and development capability of a society is negatively influenced by those group-type disadvantages that affect a smaller or bigger community day by day. Marginalised social status and being part of an excluded group of people represent special disadvantagesContinue reading
It is of utmost importance to create community scenes accessible not only in physical but also in mental terms both for the purpose to develop social solidarity and guarantee equal opportunities for the individual groups. We need places where the individuals do not feel that they should not be there for one reason or another.Continue reading
We can also use participatory theatre as a method to activate people and develop their commitment to the cause. The forum theatre is the most well-known of the participatory theatre forms that is known and used all over the world based on the methods of Augusto Boal, Brazilian theatre experts, director, politician and adult educator.Continue reading
It is also possible to activate people with the help of the so-called picture-sound method. When doing so, we give a photo camera to the people who make a film and/or photo about their life showing how they see themselves and their situation. This method is also excellent in those cases when the given targetContinue reading
One of the global problems of the 21st century is poverty caused by increasing inequalities a part of which is of transitional nature and is the result of economic recession. There are also structural reasons behind increasing inequality, like, for example, distribution of income and property and the social and economic subordination of certain socialContinue reading
For a brief description of the entry see: Development of Social Solidarity as a Premise Related entries: Sensitization Developing a community approach Community planning The most effective method is cooperation starting in smaller professional groups along the lines of specific, concrete issues and causes. It is more and more frequent that promotion of inter-professional cooperationContinue reading