Local government

In a general sense, local government is

  • an independent public administrative body with its own authority to act, under a particular unit of the state. a municipality thus entrusted;
  • the right of a certain body or community to take charge of their matters independently. [1]

The legal definition: Local government is the right of the community of citizens of a municipality or county to express their civic responsibility and to foster creative collaboration within the local community. Local government expresses and enforces local community will in local public affairs in a democratic manner, creating widespread publicity. The community of citizens of a municipality (municipal government) or county (regional government) are entitled to the right of local self-government. Municipal governments function in villages, cities, district seats, cities with county rights and in the districts of the capital. The capital’s local government is a municipal as well as a regional self-government unit. Citizens may exercise their community rights to self-government through their elected representatives and through participation at local referendums. [2]


[1] Brachinger, T. – Vercseg, I.: Közösségszervezés II. [Community Organizing II.]. In: Arapovics, M. – Brüll, E. (eds.): Közösségi-civil szervező tankönyvi sorozat [Textbook series for community and civil organizers], Chapter II. 2009, Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour
[2] Act CLXXXIX of 2011 on Hungary’s local governments

This article based on the following document: Community development methodological guide