

Consortium of the „Acting communities – active community involvement” EFOP-1.3.1-15-2016-00001 project:

Hungarian Open Air Museum – Museum Education and Methodology Centre (SZNM-MOKK) (project promoter, head of the Consortium)

Address: 2000 Szentendre, Sztaravodai út
Postal adress: 2001 Szentendre Pf.: 63.
Telephone: +36 26 502 576


NMI Institute for Culture Non-profit Ltd.

Seat: 1027 Budapest, Csalogány utca 47-49.
Telephone: +36 1 611 7500


National Széchényi Library

Address: 1014 Budapest, Szent György tér 4-5-6.
Postal address: 1827 Budapest, Budavári Palota “F” épület
Telephone: +36 1 224 3882


National Széchényi Library

Address: 1014 Budapest, Szent György tér 4-5-6.
Postal address: 1827 Budapest, Budavári Palota “F” épület
Telephone: +36 1 224 3882

Project description:


Overall project goal:

Increasing social activity and community involvement in settlements covered by the project’s community development programme, as well as among local governments’ employees, cultural institutions and local population in order to raise the culture of cooperation to a higher level.

Project goals:

The project aims to provide continuous professional and methodological support utilizing the unique toolset of cultural institutions for towns, their cultural institutions and/or civil organizations in order to realize community development processes and strengthen social cohesion.

Project items:

Project preparation: creating the Feasibility Study, arrangement of tendering procedures, legal expertise/procedures.

Project management: Project Manager, CFO, Project Assistant

Project realization: creation of an online information and monitoring system; working out a selection system for cultural institutions; realization of methodological developments; training of cultural community development mentors; establishing the cultural community development mentors’ network; facilitation of cultural institutions in order to socialize their operation; raising the awareness of employees of local government affected by the project; realizing monitoring and research & development activities; carrying out communication and dissemination duties; auditing.

Horizontal activities: [defining] horizontal requirements, fulfillment of environmental and equal opportunities requirements.

Disclosure and publicity: fulfilling obligatory requirements of informing and publicity.

Project budget:

EFOP (Human Resources Development Operative Programme) 1. priority project, 100% subsidy of HUF 3 billion.

Project schedule:

Starting date and time of project realization: September 16th, 2016.

Planned date of physical completion of the project: September 15th, 2019.

Project results:



360 local communities tended by mentors.

Professional results:

360 settlements or town dsitricts reached by the community development process.

72 cultural community development mentors working in the mentor network of settlements/town districts affected by the community development programme.

54 institutions operating based on the criteria of  completed socialization process.

420 experts working in cultural institutions that have taken part in the community development process.