Socialised institutions at the level of activities

We can also use participatory theatre as a method to activate people and develop their commitment to the cause. The forum theatre is the most well-known of the participatory theatre forms that is known and used all over the world based on the methods of Augusto Boal, Brazilian theatre experts, director, politician and adult educator.Continue reading

The activities of community education institutions naturally differ from those of the museum institutions or libraries. Each of these three institution systems have specific traditions that are different from those of the other two in terms of the institution systems themselves and their respective activities. Consequently, as regards practical implementation they are moving along differentContinue reading

Community cultural institutions The activity implemented in the way of community education and culture, enabling the participation of local residents, conveying, organising, developing and improving culture, is fully open to integrating the processes of socialisation: in community development and other processes aimed at developing communities, as well as in extracurricular learning opportunities and organised events.Continue reading