Activation by art tools

The method of mural painting (community wall painting) is a form of community art common in Central and Southern America. It expresses the situation and problems of the community first verbally, then – more and more – by means of symbols that can be drawn and depicted in pictures, while – finally – the membersContinue reading

We can also use participatory theatre as a method to activate people and develop their commitment to the cause. The forum theatre is the most well-known of the participatory theatre forms that is known and used all over the world based on the methods of Augusto Boal, Brazilian theatre experts, director, politician and adult educator.Continue reading

It is also possible to activate people with the help of the so-called picture-sound method. When doing so, we give a photo camera to the people who make a film and/or photo about their life showing how they see themselves and their situation. This method is also excellent in those cases when the given targetContinue reading