Community Development

‘Community Development’ is a methodological guide of the flagship project ‘Acting Communities – Active Community Involvement’ (EFOP -1.3.1-15-2016-00001), offering methodological support to workers, experts, volunteers, organizations and institutions at local communities implementing the TOP-5.3.1-16 and TOP-6.9.2-16 programmes entitled ‘Strengthening Local Identity and Cohesion’.

Situation analysis Local action plan Definition A plan built on the results of the community survey, including the needs of the locals along with their plans for their personal future and for their municipality, in the implementation of which the locals are actively involved. Purpose of the activity The purpose is to involve self-organizing citizensContinue reading

Local publicity and its development Definition Public communication of a municipality (or part thereof) about matters that may affect the local community in any way. Local publicity relies on information – information made publicly available, received, processed, actively discussed –, and on the communication of opinions and positions thus shaped. Communication runs among the localsContinue reading

Recruiting volunteers also means transparency as volunteers get behind the scenes and get much more information about the organisation, internal relationships, and difficulties than the target group of the organisation. Be sure to be aware of this. Many organisations are scared to involve volunteers, unpaid helpers in their operation. However, the purpose of awareness isContinue reading

We can also use participatory theatre as a method to activate people and develop their commitment to the cause. The forum theatre is the most well-known of the participatory theatre forms that is known and used all over the world based on the methods of Augusto Boal, Brazilian theatre experts, director, politician and adult educator.Continue reading

When defining the scope and responsibilities of volunteers, it is worth offering at least 2-3 different positions at the start of the programme, as this will give the volunteers more opportunities, potential changes, and opportunities for improvement, and will make the host organisation more attractive to them. It is expedient for the institution to makeContinue reading