Local society

A complex system that may differ in each municipality or district, which needs to be approached in a holistic manner during developing activities. The concept embodies several components: built and natural environment, geographical conditions, composition of the population, demographic features, socio-economic and mental situation, physical conditions, relationship networks among the population, structure and functions of local publicity, balance of power within the municipality/district, supply of institutions and their mode of operation through local groupings, NGOs and small communities, the economic, transportation, etc., characteristics and conditions of the municipality/district. [1]


[1] For details refer to Brachinger Tamás (2005): Civilek és a politikai hatalom. Civil Szemle II/1. [Civilians and political power]; Bőhm Antal (1996): A helyi társadalom (Kaposvár) [Local society]; Pálné Kovács Ilona (2008): A helyi kormányzás Magyarországon, Budapest-Pécs, Dialóg-Campus Kiadó [Local government in Hungary]

This article based on the following document: Community development methodological guide